
Mission crossbow arrows or other
Mission crossbow arrows or other

mission crossbow arrows or other

Safety and user experience are at the forefront with the Nitro 505. Hybrid cases are new, made of ECA (Ethyl Vinyl Acetate), and are in line with hard cases on quality and pricing. Basically hard cases provide better protection than soft cases, but at a premium. What (if any) type of case does it come with? There are three types of case – hard, soft and hybrid. What accessories does it come with?ĭoes it come with a scope and how good is the scope? Does the scope come preconfigured? Is it multi-distance? Is it illuminated (red dot)? You should also check the warranty on offer to make sure you’re covered for as long as possible. If part of the crossbow is made of flexible, temperature-susceptible plastics, they will quickly wear out, and could even do damage if they melt in the heat, or snap in the cold.

mission crossbow arrows or other

The truth is you really want a carbon fibre composite, or aircraft grade aluminium for quality that lasts. If you’re not very strong it’s – put bluntly – a pain in the arse to cock an 18-inch power stroke, but you should be alright with a 12-inch. Power stroke: how tall and strong are you? Look for a crossbow with limb vibration dampeners and string suppression systems if you don’t want to wake up the baby. This is probably most important for hunters – if anything a bit of extra noise while shooting targets with your mates will make you feel like a pro. Be aware that when cocked, the crossbow consumes less space, and upon firing will expand its limbs and potential hit nearby obstacles without sufficient space.

mission crossbow arrows or other

It’s most important for hunting, as mobility, shouldering your crossbow, and aiming between obstacles is harder with a bigger, heavier crossbow, when hunting space is often limited. For reference, a 400-grain arrow travelling at 300 FPS has a KE of roughly 76 ft-lbs (foot-pounds of energy)…if that went completely over your head, don’t worry about it! Size: is crossbow size important? Once you get to 300 FPS with a 400-grain arrow, the relative returns are fast-diminishing. A faster crossbow means less time to move between shot and impact. A faster arrow works against “string jump” when the animal hears the “twang” of the string being fired, and flees in panic. Measurement: FPS (feet per second) & KE (kinetic energy) If you’re tired when you’re about to shoot, you’ll put your aim off, which somewhat defeats the point of the exercise! Crossbow speed & power: why do we want speed, and what’s too much? While hunting, or maintaining a shooting position, you’ll need to be able to shoulder the crossbow for considerable periods of time. What properties to look for in the best crossbows Weight: how much does the crossbow weigh? Read more: Best Crossbow for under $500.If you’re target shooting, you generally aren’t under as much “stress” as hunting, allowing for greater accuracy with heavier, wider more powerful crossbows. Speed, bow weight, bow size and draw weight may make a big difference to hunting, but are not essential for target shooting. Hunting or Target Shooting: what’s the purpose of the crossbow?

Mission crossbow arrows or other